Zaruhi Postanjyan tried to find out a violation, “invading” Taron Margaryan’s headquarters

Today we learned that the incident occurred in the afternoon in the headquarters of Mayor Taron Margaryan in Avan administrative district of Yerevan, resulting in “Yerkir Tsirani” party leader Zaruhi Postanjyan’s daughter was sent to hospital, diagnosed with a concussion. The mayoral candidate  talks about the violence.


Zaruhi Postanjyan entered the office of mayor the Republican candidate for tracks alarms of bribes demanding open tables, shelves, where they hid the information lists of recipients of their money. The male employees of the Republican staff kept the shelves in shifts, sitting on the table.


She told reporters that she and her daughter were pushed and forced out of office. She also invited  law enforcement officials, demanding tom open drawer in her presence and videotaped. Police pushed journalists out of the first headquarters of the force, and holding and dragging the MP and her daughter Lilit Drampyanin droveout. Zaruhi Postanjyan’s health had deteriorated, daughter Lilit was left helpless in the street. Staff reports, that Zaruhi Postanjyan and her daughter were taken to “Armenia” medical center as a result of bodily injuries. Doctor Arsen Veyrbutyan told reporters that  her condition is stable, she is still being examined, but according to preliminary data, her daughter received a brain concussion.


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