Zaruhi Postanjyan: “We have a problem with regional lists, where the quota will not work’’


“We have serious problems with regional open lists, as no businessman, previously elected by majority will yield his place to any woman. This is more than clear that she will not be able to fight against these mechanisms, and although  quota is though fixed in these regional lists, it will not make any changes and will not work n terms of opening the way for women”, –  said the only female member of the “Heritage” faction Zaruhi Postanjyan to


According to her, the quota of 25/75 will be of no use as long as territorial or, as they say, the rating lists are open. The deputy noted that based on these considerations many proposals have been made, namely that the list should be closed, but none of the proposals have been accepted.


The MP also said that she will certainly raise her concerns in the near future, when it comes to the second reading of the draft Electoral Code, as, unfortunately, she does not have great hope that something will change until then.


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