World Vision launched the “Concern for equality” project 


On December 9th, the “World Vision” international organization announced the launch of “Concern for equality” program.


The project aims to reverse and prevent stereotypical attitudes and behavior damaging  women and girls, promote the creation of an environment where girls and boys are born and are valued equally. At national level, the project will support the implementation of the policy of violence against gender-based violence sex selection of fetus. The program will be implemented at the community level, with the aim to change the social norms that contribute to violence.


“Concern for equality” project will be implemented in Gegharkunik, Aragatsotn, Tavush and Shirak marzes and Yerevan’s Kanaker-Zeytun administrative district, where World Vision Armenia has already formed teams and long-term development plans. “Concern for equality” project will last until September 2019.


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