WomenNet.am summarizes 2022 by presenting its ten priority topics

Special award to WomenNet.am


At the annual Awards Journalists for Rights. ARTICLE 3, WomenNet.am received a special award for consistently covering and voicing women’s issues. The special award was presented by the Coalition to Stop Violence against Women.


WomenNet.am thanks all journalists and partner organizations cooperating with it, thanks to whose efforts and support, the website has been able to focus on and cover all issues related to women’s rights in Armenia for more than ten years of its existence.

We also thank the contest organizers and the Coalition to Stop Violence against Women for evaluating our work.


According to tradition, WomenNet.am presents the 10 main topics of its publications published in 2022 and the campaigns conducted within them.


  1. “Displaced from War”


The second Artsakh war and all subsequent events continued to be the focus of WomenNet.am’s attention, this time emphasizing the role of women in ensuring security. The stories of women who were forced to start a new life as a result of the war, starting from scratch…

See more here – Displaced women

  1. “How to overcome bias against women” / #BreakTheBias

The campaign aimed to reveal the manifestations of unconscious biases that hinder the progress of women in various areas of life and their consequences, thereby contributing to its overcoming and the establishment of a fairer society based on equal treatment of women and men.

See campaign’s materials here

  1. Fathers vs. Stereotypes

With this series, we tried to oppose the biased opinion that fathers do not participate in raising and caring for children. The fathers interviewed by WonenNet.am are wonderful examples of caring parents who, with their lifestyle, are changing public expectations about fatherhood and creating new models of fathers who fully participate in child care.

More about the topic:  

“Spend a lot of time with your children.” advice from dads to dads

The first PaPaBlog in Armenia tells about caring fathers

“Look how good it sounds – Paternity leave!”

International Men’s Day is celebrated for the first time in Armenia


  1. By promoting women’s leadership, let’s prevent violence against women”

This year, within the framework of the 16 days of activity against gender violence, WomenNet.am joined the campaign initiated by the “Women in Politics 2.0” program, during which, under the slogan “Promoting women’s leadership, let’s prevent violence against women”, women involved in the local government system of Armenia and the opinions and positions of active women in the social and political life of marzes on women’s rights, discrimination and violence against women, women’s leadership and other issues.

More about the campaign: 

«UNITE! Activism to End Violence against Women and Girls». 16 day campaign


  1. Women in the labor market

This year, more than three dozen articles were published within the framework of the campaign for the protection of women’s labor rights.

See campaign’s materials here 


  1. Women in Business and Innovation

More about the topic:

Astghik Hovsepyan: Mistress of the “iron business”

Women’s time is now”. The first FemInno conference on women’s innovation was concluded in Armenia

Armenian women have done the hardest in the field of IT ․ broke the stereotype that this is not a woman’s place․ Lusine Tangyan


7. Women in politics


Within the scope of the topic Women in Politics, WomenNet.am reviewed research on the representation of women in the parliaments of the world and Armenia, the issue of the effectiveness of quotas, public perceptions of women’s participation in politics, and other issues.

More about the topic:

Biased attitude towards women in politics. public perceptions and reality

The representation of women in the National Assembly increased about 11 times due to quotas

Quotas have greatly contributed to the growth of women’s representation in the world’s parliaments. report

  1. Women in local governments


WomenNet.am has presented the latest data related to the representation of women in local governments, analyzed the trend and told about women involved in the local government system within the framework of the topic of women in local governments.



  1. Women in Agriculture


Under the slogan “I have succeeded, continue to succeed”, a series of materials were published, through which women graduates of the Agrarian University of Armenia told about their successes, inspiring AAU students to continue their professional careers and contribute to the development of the agricultural sector in Armenia.

More abut the topic:

“Agriculture can be a very interesting and income generating business, especially for women”

“My love for botany has never been interrupted”…

“You have to be persistent and lucky to meet people who believe in your idea”


  1. Women’s agenda in the world


WomenNet.am always focuses on all international justice issues related to women’s rights.

More abut the topic:

“It is difficult to defeat patriarchy, but we can do it”…

CSW66. Women and girls must lead battle against ‘widespread and interlinked crises’

“Woman” is an affectionate, honest take on women



Full text in Armenian


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