WomenNet.am presents ten of its priority topics in 2021




Female innovators -2021 ․ Top 10 Stories

WomenNet.am has summed up the “Women Innovators in Pandemic – Overcoming the Post-War Efforts” campaign, within the framework of which more than 50 stories were revealed and published in 2021. The 10 most read stories about the remarkable initiatives of women in different spheres were presented in the multimedia summary “Women Innovators in Crisis”.

As part of the campaign, we talked about the women who, with their innovative ideas and initiatives, help overcome the crisis situation in Armenia due to the severe psychological consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, the socio-economic and psychological consequences of the Second Artsakh War.

We consider innovation to be the initiative of women in any field that has the potential to solve any problem of public importance, to bring about real change, to support the community or the people around them, to overcome depressive moods in society, to ensure women’s progress.



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Women Innovators -2021․ Top Ten Best Stories


Women Innovators in crisis situation



Local elections-2021. The representation of women in the newly elected councils has sharply increased / infographics




WomenNet.am touched upon the participation of women in the local elections held on October 17, 20, November 14 and December 5, 2021, presenting the details of the nominations of women candidates and the results of the elections.



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Representation of women in the Council of Elders formed as a result of the October 17 elections has sharply increased / infographic




How do women and men participate in electoral processes? CEC survey data

WomenNet.am focuses on women’s participation in the June 20, 2021 snap parliamentary elections.



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“Women’s Voice” in the parliament, in the councils of elders, in the fight against the effects of the war and the epidemic


Under the heading “Women’s Voice”, WomenNet.am presented the opinions of women politicians and public figures or their initiatives in various fields.



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Mane Tandilyan. “Women’s political empowerment is a vital necessity for the development of the country”

Female members of Gyumri Council of Elders about the results of their work and the upcoming elections

Women parliamentarian are forming the “Artsakh” initiative

In addition to the 73 prisoners, “the fate of these 150 people is unknown.” Siranush Sahakyan

Nare Ghazaryan. “Now my strengths and abilities can be more useful”

Anna Avalyan. “A mother living on the border only wants peace”

“Regardless of my share of guilt, I want to apologize.” Tatevik Hayrapetyan

“We now live not in a border village, but in a border guard village.” Narine Jhangiryan



Women at the helm of executive power. the first woman prime minister to date



Statistics show that in the period 1960-2021, the number of women in the highest executive positions in the world never exceeded 19 in a year, which is less than 10% of the number held in those positions (number of UN member states – 193). Women have held the highest executive positions in only 58 countries since 1960. The first democratically elected woman prime minister was Sri Lanka’s Sirimavo Bandaranayek, who took over the leadership of Sri Lanka’s Freedom Party when her husband was assassinated in 1959. Sri Lanka is one of only thirteen countries to hold more than one female executive, most of which are located either in the Indian subcontinent or in northern Europe. Of these thirteen, New Zealand and Finland are the only countries to have three women leaders, including incumbent Prime Ministers Jacinda Arder and Sanna Marin.




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Women Leadership in the World for the Last 25 Years / Infographics

Women in politics: New data shows growth but also setbacks

25.5% of parliamentarians in the world are women

Harvard Business Review Research: Women Are Better Leaders During a Crisis

Women’s political participation in the Republic of Armenia. Analysis



Women in the Armenian labor market. discrimination in numbers and facts



There are two main reasons why women are barred from entering the labor market. The first is the lack of opportunities to combine work and caring for family members. Often women are simply unable to return to work after giving birth because the state is unable to solve the problem of preschool children, and the cost of nanny and private kindergarten services is sometimes higher than expected. A second common circumstance in Armenia is the direct prohibition of the husband to work. In our country, men often decide where, in what profession and under what conditions a woman will work. Or will she work or no.



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Messages from the “Generation of Equality” historical forum


One of the highlights of the 2021 International Women’s Rights Event was the Generation of Equality Forum in Paris on June 30, which heralded a “five-year course of action” based on the UN Global Program on Gender Equality to help eliminate the gap between  current women’s status and the the declared development goals until 2030.



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Generation Equality Forum concludes in Paris with Announcement of Revolutionary Commitments

UN commission pushes equality for women in decision-making

CSW65 highlights women’s full and effective participation and decision-making in public life, 15-26 March

Citizen’s call for a gender equal role: A roadmap for action

Global Gender Gap Report 2021: Armenia is ranked 114-th



Against violence against women and sexism


The topic has been on the agenda of WomenNet.am for years. We have responded to the manifestations of sexism in the public sphere and in speech, as well as in the issue of violence against women…



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The Zapel International Forum will bring together women writers



The launch of the Zapel International Forum of Women Writers was announced in Yerevan this year. The forum is named after Zapel Yesayan, who constantly raises the issues of women’s equality in the 20th century. This is how the organizers of the forum formulate their goal.


“By her example, Zapel Yesayan, like other women in the forum, both Armenian and foreign, has no intention of proving their existence or the adequacy of grace to their male pen pals. The forum will provide a platform to present and create a dialogue at the international level. By their example, the participants will instill in young people the absolute courage to be writers, to all of us to live, to create, to be happy. ”



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Culture, Art




Legislative initiatives



Legislative initiatives to enhance women’s empowerment are always featured in WomenNet.am publications.



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