Top ten of the events by presents  top ten most important events of the year 2017:


  1. The team from the Karbi village, who has authored the mobile app, was awarded the “Technovation” international competition held in the US Silicon Valley. This year, with the participation of women and girls in the field of information technology, the Hacking for Humanity Hackathon was also featured in Armenia.
  2. In the framework of the “Equal” campaign ahead of the parliamentary elections,, in collaboration with the “Oxygen” Foundation and the “Family Academy” NGO, presented “Women’s Agenda”, which later became the basis for collaboration with female parliamentarians from the newly elected National Assembly.
  3. The government took the first step towards the creation of opportunities for women to combine work and family responsibilities. Amendments in the RA Law on Employment plan to implement Small Child Care Programs and increase competitiveness of young mothers.
  4. The Law on Domestic Violence was adopted. Although the project was renamed and completed after a hot debate, receiving criticism from women’s rights organizations, the adoption of this law was the result of a long-term struggle of women’s rights defenders. Hasmik Khachatryan, a domestic violence survivor, made a speech in the parliament. The voice of a woman who had been subjected to violence was heard from such a high tribune for the first time in the history of Armenia.
  5. The representation of women in the National Assembly of the 6th convocation, formed in 2017, almost doubled, from 10% to 18%, thanks to which Armenia improved its positions in the Inter-Parliamentary Union rating, occupying 110th place from 193 countries instead of the previous 160th
  6. According to the Gender Gap Index 2017  Armenia occupied the 97th place, improving its position by 5 points compared to previous year.
  7. The gender quote embedded in the Electoral Code of the Republic of Armenia worked best in the Yerevan City Council elections. Women constitute 28% of the newly elected Council of Elders. 57% of the candidates for the newly formed “Yerkir Tsirani” party, headed by Zaruhi Postanjyan, were women.
  8. The “Oxygen” Foundation and “World Vision” in cooperation with and the “Family Academy” NGO have taken the first step to create a unified platform for fighting against sexism in Armenia, organizing an open discussion entitled “Sexism and Violence in Armenian Media.” Within the framework of the “Equal” campaign, a contest was announced “Sexism: Paint, Do not Keep Silent, Prevent “.
  9. As a result of the large-scale local elections held on November 5th, 502 communities are registered in Armenia, of which only 7 are headed by women (1.4%), which is an unprecedented low indicator throughout the whole Local Self-Government system.
  10. For the first time in one of the highest positions in the History of the Armed Forces, a woman officer was appointed. From September, Gayane Hovhannisyan is the head of the Military Medical Department of the Armed Forces.


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