Women can make the world more peaceful. Peace and security in eight resolutions
Since 2000, the UN Security Council adopted eight resolutions that cover various aspects of women’s participation in peace and security. While the resolution is approved, the role of women and gender equality are key to ensuring international peace and security, but in practice this thesis is still neglected.
The first “Women, peace and security adopted in the UN Security Council on 31 October 2000, ‘the 1325 resolution, which is aimed at mitigating the effects of armed conflict on women and the negative impact of the increasing role of women in conflict prevention and resolution, preserving peace.
The requirement to expand women representation in decision-making, which is an important part of Resolution 1325, is also progressing very slowly.
According to the UN Women agency:
– Nearly 23 percent of women representation in parliament,
– 18% of positions held by women minisers,
In 10 countries over the world and 9 governments are headed by women.
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