The average representation of women in the electoral lists of political forces is 36-6%


The Central Electoral Commission of the Republic of Armenia has registered the electoral lists of 22 parties and 4 blocs of parties nominated in the June 20 special elections to the National Assembly.

The commission determined the following serial numbers with the parties and alliances of parties participating in the extraordinary elections by drawing lots.
“Fair Armenia” party
Armenian National Congress party
“Civil Contract” party
Awakening National Christian Party
Freedom party
“I have honor” bloc
United Homeland Party
Pan-Armenian National Statehood (NCP) party
Bright Armenia Party
Our home is Armenia party
“Republic” party
“Armenian Homeland” party
Free Homeland Alliance
Prosperous Armenia Party
Democratic Party of Armenia
“5165 National Conservative Movement” party
“Citizen’s Decision” Social-Democratic Party
“Shirinyan-Babajanyan Alliance of Democrats”
“National Agenda” party
Rise party
Liberal Party
“Armenian eagles. United Armenia “party
European Party of Armenia
Armenia Alliance
“National-Democratic Burden” Pan-Armenian Party
“Sovereign Armenia” party.



According to the data published by the CEC, the 26 political forces participating in the elections have nominated a total of 2613 candidates in their lists, of which 956 or 36-6% are women. This is more than the requirement of the Electoral Code regarding the gender proportion of candidates on party lists. It is also more than what the political forces presented in 2018. To the special elections to the National Assembly.


It should be reminded that women’s participation in party electoral lists is regulated by Article 83, Clause 4 of the RA Electoral Code. 


The inclusion of women in the lists varies between 30-44%. 20-40% of the political forces participating in the parliamentary elections nominated 30-40% of women candidates in their lists, 6 – 40-44%. The representation of women is the lowest in the “Hayastan” bloc (30-7%) and the highest in the “Pan-Armenian National Statehood” party (43.9%).


Only two of the 26 political forces are headed by women: Lusine Avagyan is number one on the United Homeland party list, and Karin Tonoyan is number one on the 5165 National Conservative Movement.


In determining the number of women candidates on the lists, the vast majority of political forces were guided by the requirement of a threshold under the law, nominating women candidates from the third position. Only in the lists of the three political forces are women in the second place.


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