“Strong Women, Strong World”. Women of Ashotavan unite around new ideas
“Victoria” – this victorious name was given to women’s action group from Ashotavan involved in raspberry production, thereby predicting future success. Being united around a new idea Women were able to implement it and through their activities not only radically change life not only in Ashotavan, but also those of the surrounding communities.
World Vision Armenia economic programs’ Syunik Regional Coordinator Irena told us about women from Ashotavan. She says that within the frame of the local value chain development program it was necessary to study one or two value chains in Sisian having perspectives of the development. Travelling around all communities she reached Ashotavan, held interviews with the Municipality, local residents, curious what they were engaged in and what most promising production can be established. From conversations she learnt that there are raspberries, almost in everyone’s backyards, and many of their families solve the burden by raspberry cultivation. “I gave them questionnaires and asked to complete and submit”, – says Irina. Ten women were interested in the project, completed questionnaires and submitted to the regional office of World Vision Sisian.
The group was formed in September-October of 2014, trainings began in 2015, development of their capacities was emphasized. Nune Sarukhanyan was invited to Ashotavan and members of the group were taught right cultivation of raspberry, that increases productivity, facilitates harvesting, the more effective development.
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