Women who have seen war: “An unusual fate of ordinary woman”
The main speakers of this year’s Day of Motherhood and beauty were female veterans who participated in the Artsakh War. They did not talk about holiday, they said, “what a holiday, if we had so much loss”, they were just recalling names of mothers and girls who became heroes during the war.
Today, getting the news of military operations many women expressed willingness to leave for frontline together with men. They very quickly turned that desire into a reality, leaving together with other volunteers.
Memories from the battle field
Lieutenant Commander Anahit Martirosyan, head of”Anahit” squadron proudly noted that our nation can become a fist in case of any danger threatening to our country. According to her, today’s generation proved they are worthy generation of their ancestors. “They are better than us. I am an ordinary woman that is doing household work and all the other things that other women do. I am an ordinary woman with unusual fate, I have passed this hard road, I was wounded and underwent numerous surgeries… But today I and all my friends put our problems aside and joined”.
MP Ruzan Muradyan was surprised by the great love of the youth for our country that we witnessed during the recent days. “I teach at school, university and communicate with young people and always wonder from where so much patriotism and spirit of courage they have. I am delighted that our education and educational programs could invest it in the youth”.
Full text in Armenian
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