Trump can lose votes because of his sexist phrases


The race between the Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and billionaire businessman Donald Trump estimated as the most scandalous in American history, as the competitors have already managed to cross the border on personal attacks. Especially Trump is known for his disrespectful statements made against her opponent and women in general and he is considered in the country’s history to be the candidate who hates women much.

During one of the TV debates Trump blamed Megan Kelly in the fact that she addressed allegedly unfair directs to him and suggested that perhaps the journalist had problems with menses. “Blood was dripping from her eyes or anywhere else,” said Trump.

These words were heard   after Kelly asked Trump why voters cast their votes to a man who called women “fat pigs, dogs and vile animals” and using other disrespectful characteristics addressed to a variety of well-known women. Trump actually sidestepped the question, offending Kelly.

After the debate, Trump has made assurances that he respects women; he would not apologize for  a statements made against the journalist, although other Republican contenders demanded an apology for his recent statement and authoritative forum has canceled his performance.


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