Local Government 2019. Women Will Fight Only for Council of Elders Elections
The deadline for nominating and registering candidates for the September 29 local elections has expired. There is no woman among the candidates for mayor. A total of 32 candidates have been nominated for Council of Elders, 5 of whom are women.
It should be noted that the communities where regular elections of local self-government were scheduled have declined. Earlier, the Central Election Commission had announced that there would be elections in 17 communities, and today the CEC official website has published 13 numbers. In response to a written request from WomenNet.am, the election commission confirmed that a change had occurred among the communities. That, as explained by the CEC, has changed as a result of the cancellation of decisions made by the governors earlier. According to the amendments made to decisions 4 communities were removed from the list of 17 communities published on the CEC official website, which will not hold regular local government elections on September 29, 2019, ”the commission said.
Thus, on September 29, in 9 communities mayors will be elected, in one community – the mayor and the council of elders, and in 3 communities – for the council only. According to the decisions of the governors, there will be no local self-government elections in the Ddmashen of Gegharkunik region, Anushavan of Shirak region, Voghjaberd of Kotayk region, Antaramut Communities of Lori region.
As for the candidates, the official website of the Central Election Commission informs that 31 citizens have been nominated as mayors in 10 communities during five days required for registration of the candidates on August 25-30. There is no woman among the candidates for mayor. We reported earlier that none of the villages had a female leader.
Women only participate in municipal elections. Let us remind that on September 29, the councils will be elected in 4 communities: Shgharshik of Aragatsotn region, Ddmashen of Gegharkunik region, Chkalov of Lori region, Sarugyugh of Tavush region, Khashtarak of Tavush region. A total of 32 candidates were nominated in four communities, 5 of which were women.
Thus, there are no women among the six candidates registered in the Shgharshik community of Aragatsotn. For comparison, there were no women in the former council of elders.
After registration, candidates have the opportunity to withdraw by September 19. The pre-election campaign starts on September 11.
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