Regular Local Elections: the community of Ditak is the record holder

Women do not take part in the next community heads elections in seven communities on June 9. Only 11 women were nominated in the municipal elections, with the community of Ditak, the record holder, with five women out of six nominated. 


On the same day regular elections of members of council of elders will be held in 8 communities. According to the CEC website, candidates ranks 62 candidates, of which only 11 are women.


Women are not nominated in Nor Artik, Sorik, Shirak Haykavan and Panik communities of Aragatsotn. It is noteworthy that 13 candidates are nominated in Panik. The current Council of Elders has 9 members, including no women. Women in the current three municipalities are not represented.


The largest number of candidates is participating in the Dvin County Council elections. One of the 14 registered candidates is a woman.


The community of Ditak, Ararat province, is the record holder for women in the number of women candidates. Five of the six registered candidates are women.


Azganush Khachatryan is a nurse in the village, Mariam Nikolyan is a kindergarten educator, Gayane Petrosyan is the school librarian and in case of the other two candidates, Mariam Hovhannisyan and Shushanik Hovhannisyan, it not mentioned.


Two of the six candidates registered in the Khnkoyan community of Lori region are women, non-party Varduhi Avagyan and Siranush Harutyunyan.


In essence, the only surprise in the elections is their activeness in the Ditak community in terms of women’s participation. Traditions in other communities continue.


Let us remind you that the nomination of candidates was carried out on May 5-10, the registration was made on May 10-15. Candidates can withdraw by June 30, at 18.00 inclusive. The pre-election campaign will begin on May 22 and will continue until June 7.

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