10 facts about inequality between men and women in the labor market / Infographic

1.Women’s proportion among Armenia’s labor resources stands at 55% , however economically active are only 52,8% of women and 70,7% of The gender gap of women’s and men’s  economic activism is 40%, in the 25-34  age group, which is largely determined by women’s family duties (pregnancy, child birth, child care, etc.).

 2. 43,5% of women and 57.9% of men are employed in the labor market. 31.8%  of employed women and 27.6% of men have higher or post-graduate education.



3. Unemployment rate is the highest among all CIR countries. Among women it makes 20,2%, among men  – 16,4%.  Women make 70 %  of the officially registered unemployed, and moreover, the level of  long-term unemployment (longer, than 3 years) is especially high among women.  Women make 69% of those, who have lost their hope to find a job.



4.The state’s support measures for combining family responsibilities and career are insufficient. That is proved by the fact that the reason of unemployment in case of 99% is family circumstances.



5.Young people (16 to 30 years old) remain in the labor market as a stable vulnerable group – 47.9% of economic activity, 30.3% of employment and 36.7% of unemployment. 2017 According to the data, almost 46% of the 15-29-year-old female youth and 23% of male-female students did not study and did not work.



6.Women’s average monthly nominal salary made up 67,5% of the men’s earnings or the gender gap in remuneration stood at 32,5%. On average, the gender gap in remuneration in the world makes 22%. Women are mainly occupied in the much lower paid spheres. Men holding managerial positions exceed the number of women in this position 2,4 times. This discrimination is maintained even in traditionally women-occupied areas such as health, education, culture, and agriculture. Women are more involved in jobs requiring high (59%) and medium (58%) qualifications than men.



7.There are also gender differences in pensions, though the RA Law on State Pensions has set a unified age pension for men and women at the age of 63. In 2017, the average pension rate for women was 39.226 AMD for men and 42,822 AMD – for men.



8.Of the economically inactive population, 34% are men, and 66% are women. The gender gap is particularly high in the 25-49 age group (57.4% -65.6%), which is also largely due to women’s family household responsibilities, pregnancy, childbirth, child care, housekeeping, etc.


9. The greater part of the economically inactive women are housewives who are primarily busy with unpaid work. Meanwhile, 40% of those women have higher or vocational education. In 2017, 47% of women in the 15-75 age group did not have jobs and did not seek one being primarily busy with household duties.


10. According to the data of the time budget study of Armenia (2008) that women spend on unpaid work 5 times more time (household duties and family care), than men. Paid work does not release a woman from home work to the same extent as men, and as a result, women make a larger job than men. Men spend three times more time on paid work and almost 30% have more free time than women.


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