The main heroine. How modern TV series have completely changed our perception of the role of women


The giants of the world TV industry spend billions of dollars on the production of TV series. The Netflix platform alone has an audience of 167 million people. But this is not the most influential fact. Surprisingly, TV series, which began as a “feminine genre” that entertains housewives, have become a strong, courageous, charismatic world of women who do not fit into any of the gender stereotypes, in contrast to the traditionally considered big man’s world movie. And it did not happen due to any special propaganda. Just unexpectedly for the conservative leaders of television, it became clear that in the changed world of the 21st century, not only women but also men are curiously following TV series with strong heroines.


A remarkable analysis by Forbes Woman shows how modern TV series have changed public perceptions of the role of women. We are talking about the most internationally rated soap operas, some of which are also known to Armenian TV viewers. As for Armenian-made soap operas, unfortunately, according to experts, most of them serve as examples of the reproduction of gender stereotypes, sexism and even propaganda of violence against women.


Full article from Russian source


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