Unified and coordinated approach to gender-based violence – why is that important?
On May 3-4, by the initiative of the United Nations Population Fund (UNICEF) a two-day event was held in which the participants discussed the strengthening and coordination of gender-based violence multispectral response to the problem. The event included the two different formats – workshop and seminar on capabilities in key areas of development. All levels of government and NGOs, including psychologists, social workers, lawyers and human rights activists or any representatives somehow related to the issue of gender and domestic violence participated in it.
The initiative aimed to strengthen the capacity of key institutions and organizations, national stakeholders, particularly the social and psychological assistance, police, justice and in the health sector, for a comprehensive response to gender-based violence and preventing it. The creation of such a mechanism for victims of violence, the unified and coordinated support is more than actual in the context of the development and adoption of the law relating to domestic violence issues.
His speech was a member of the EU delegation in Armenia Li Urban said: “I welcome the fact that there are a variety of organizations that are trying to adapt to international practices. It is encouraging that there are shelters in Armenia. But this process should be accelerated, to make the laws on gender equality and domestic violence parallel” he added.
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