Why do women scientists remain in shade?
Women make only 3, 1 % of Nobel Prize-winning scientists, why do women scientists remain in the shade and their works are often attributed to their male counterparts? This issue had excited a chemist Magdolna Hargittai.
“Twenty years ago together with my husband we were preparing articles for scientific journal about famous scientists. At that time I noticed that there were few women among them. But I was sure that there were many deserving women scientists among them, the world just did not know about them՛՛.
She has collected information about women scientists living in different continents and last year she published it as a book. During the meeting held on January 19th at the Central European University Magdolna Hargittai presented her work which is called “Women scientists: reflections, challenges and breaking boundaries”.
“ I developed my book from in-depth conversations with many of the most successful women scientists of our time. My interviewees represent a great diversity in scientific disciplines, geographical locations, and human traits. They include physicists, chemists, biomedical scientists, mathematicians, and others; there are Nobel laureates, university presidents among them, even a princess and an astronaut.
They are from 17 countries; about one third from the United States, another third from Europe and the rest from Asia and Australia. They have overcome barriers, have made important discoveries, and are true role models for males and females alike”.
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