In Sarigyugh, they also fought against the coronavirus with the competent behavior of the residents spoke with Luiza Revazyan, member of the community council, about the steps taken to overcome the pandemic in Sarigyugh. Speaking about the situation, she noted that there is no lack of information, people are informed, and these days she has used her Facebook page for that purpose. Then, printed and distributed leaflets to the villagers, helping everyone to realize that you can’t leave the house without it, and you only have to leave when absolutely necessary.
“In general, the situation of the population in the village was not so difficult in terms of self-isolation, as in that spring the villagers are burdened with agricultural work, and the villagers are always accustomed to communicate from afar, giving a loud voice to each other,” says L. Razazyan said.
Luiza Razazyan, a member of the Sarigyugh Council of Elders, is also the principal of the village school. Speaking about distance learning, she said that both she and the pedagogical staff had some interventions here. Initially, the children had problems using programs and the Internet, and 4-5 people gathered at someone’s house to join the online class.
- Speaking about distance education, Ghazyan said that after the lessons, she and his parents met on the same platform and talked, communicated and had discussions. In this way, it seems that their communication was ensured, which had a positive effect on their mood and, in general, on the mood in the village. And speaking about the role of women in the current situation, L. Razazyan makes an interesting observation.
Usually, women leaders are more demanding and pursuing, which is why in schools where principals were women, they were more likely to orient themselves and move away from traditional education with a more organized and regulated transition to distance learning.
In terms of social problems in the village, L. Razazyan says.
– If the social problem is not deep, it gives strength in a difficult situation. I must say that we did not have any serious difficulties in this regard, there were various assistance-support to needy families. At school, we had food from the School Meals program, and to avoid repetition, we worked with the mayor to distribute the food to needy families.
According to her, the infection also brought something positive, people became more consistent with hygiene and personal contact.
– I think this is our usual routine, this culture has entered our lives. The co-ordinator and the state of emergency also made revelations for me. I made it clearer and more emphatic that the students, parents, and teachers did what was possible and impossible, that they were able to do what they had not been able to do before. We have begun to trust our forces more in this situation. We have become stronger with one step, especially when it comes to women. And I want to tell women. “Be confident, you can do more than you think about yourself, act without panic and fear.”
And in Sarigyugh, people are eagerly waiting for the infection to vanish, to return to their normal lives, and for those who have gathered in the middle of the village to have a happy conversation.
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