Suggestion: “The delay of 30% of the quota up to 2022 is not justified”
Gender Theme Group uniting more than 60 local and international organizations has made a new proposal on women’s political participation. It is about amending the Electoral Code which was adopted by the National Assembly and entered into force on May 25th. The group believes that delay of the provision stipulating the proportion 30/70 sexes in the party lists up to 2022 year is not justified.
It should me noted that possibility of making amendments to the current Electoral Code is based on the Chief of the Government Staff, David Harutyunyan’s declaration who announced from the podium of the National Assembly on May 25 that even the RA Electoral Code, however, can be modified to reach a consensus with the opposition and a to incorporate other proposals.
Expressing gratitude to the RA Electoral Code the working group members and MPs who included in their suggestions significant part of the Gender Theme Group’s recommendations; and the group generally welcomes the provisions on political participation of women.
Gender Theme Group members do not justify such delay, taking into account a number of factors, the main of which is that the method of distribution of mandates in combination of national and regional lists leads to the fact that the 30/70 proportion of fixed party lists will not be ensured.
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