One woman in each quarter: A new amendment to the Electoral Code


Currently the proposals were partly accepted


Beginning from the next week within the four-day session the Parliament will start discussion of the draft of the new Electoral Code by the first reading. The project, which will be the subject of discussion, has undergone some changes that occurred as a result of various public discussions. Among them there are two important changes in terms of women’s representation in the lists of parties.


First, the change in the proportion of men and women on party lists took place, and instead of 20/80 fixed before – now a 25/75 proportion has been offered.


The second change refers to withdrawals.


Thirdly, the seats are provided to the candidates in first part of the party’s list n the order. If as a result of this all mandates under the same category are taken by the candidates of the same sex, then the last candidate yields the seat to the candidate of unrepresented sex in the first part of the party list candidate if such exists. If the number of candidates included in the first part of the national electoral list is smaller than the number of mandates, in that case respective mandates remain vacant.


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