Poverty Face in Armenia

Every third is poor


According to the latest data of the RA Census Bureau, 880 thousand people are poor in Armenia in 2016, 241 thousand of them are very poor, 54 thousand are extremely poor. In percentage, 29.4% of the total number of poor 1.8% is extremely poor, 8.0% is very poor, and the remaining 19.6% is simply poor.


Who are considered poor?


In 2016, poor people were estimated to have low consumption per capita of 40.867 drams (or $ 85.1) above the general poverty line,


Poorly rated people, whose consumption per adult was lower than the lower poverty line- 33,418 drams (or $ 69.5),


The consumption of one adult per capita was below the poverty line, which amounted to 23,313 drams (or $ 48.5) in 2016.


Women are poorer


56.6% of the poor population of Armenia are women, and 43.4% are men. Poor women make 30.2% and poor men28.5%. 2 percent of women are extremely poor, with 1.6 percent of men.


Only half of the poor are using benefits


According to the NSS, 24.0% of households with children under age of 18 years have received family allowances in 2016, including 34.7% of poor households, 50.3% of the extreme poor, and 18.5% of not poor.


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