Shushan Grigoryan’s “freckled” world
Born in the village, freckled girl was interested in everything, music, painting, but most of all, movement and wonder of existence. In 90s she dreamed of becoming a cartoonist, was attending the violin, and years later the movement and physics became her profession. From the Faculty of radio physics to creation of animated startup. This is the history of the freckled girl.
Shushan Grigoryan was interested in animation since childhood. Several times she tried to learn the principles of creating animated films, but as a rule, these attempts were unsuccessful. Shushan says that teaching methods are very often so complicated and boring, the child will quickly lose interest.
“This year I decided to finally learn to prepare animation, but do it independently. Create a method, a tool, which will turn a training process not into boring occupation, but rather make something like a miracle with little children, I realized the best way to learn is through the game. Then I thought, why not make the others involved in this miracle, ” says the Founder of Pepen.
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