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Archiv 2011-2023
All Publications 2011-2023
“Pandemic deepens existing inequalities”
The UN Secretary-General has introduced the Policy Brief, which analyzes the risks of gender inequality in the context of the pandemic and is aimed at policy makers. […]
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“Put women and girls at the centre of efforts to recover from COVID-19”
The COVID-19 pandemic affects everyone, everywhere. But it affects different groups of people differently, deepening existing inequalities. Early data indicates that the mortality rates from […]
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Amendments to the Labor Code have been made in favor of employees with children
On April 29th, the National Assembly adopted the draft amendments to the Labor and Administrative Offenses Code, which are conditioned by the need to resolve a number of […]
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Lyudmila Petrova. “I am grateful to all the villagers for keeping the restrictions.”
In order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, they even had to change the order of burial in the village of Upper Dvin, Ararat region. Along […]
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“I check the passports of the villagers before the police”
How is rural life organized in the context of the epidemic, what problems do they face because of quarantine? Susanna Gorgyan. I mainly pay attention to not […]
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Let’s exclude sexism and discrimination in public sphere together
A number of NGOs and unions have called for a crackdown on sexism in the political arena. CALL TO THE MPs OF THE RA NATIONAL ASSEMBLY, STATE AND […]
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In the tracks of “An absolutely unacceptable phenomenon”: Women’s Solidarity Against Sexism
The sexist statement made by the deputy speaker of the parliament Alen Simonyan against the deputy Ani Samsonyan in the National Assembly, despite the large number of other […]
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The secret weapon in the fight against coronavirus: women
In the past few days, the international media have been covering the successes and achievements of countries with female leaders in the fight against the coronavirus. They remind […]
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“Torunik is a big family, we are doing everything to prevent coronavirus from entering the family.”
As of April 22, Syunik overcame the coronavirus infection. We learned from the Syunik regional administration that all the patients receiving treatment in the hospitals were double-tested, the […]
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The economic consequences of COVID-19. Women in the textile industry at risk of unemployment
Yesterday, the employees of Vanadzor’s Gloria Garment Factory decided to return to work from forced leave. However, a short time later, the police fined them 100,000 drams for […]
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