Women’s political representation: states must go beyond quotas and introduce the principle of parity
PACE has called on the Council of Europe member and observer States as well as partners for democracy to introduce the principle of parity into their Constitution or their electoral legislation to increase women’s political representation. States must go beyond positive measures and ensure equal representation of women and men in elected bodies and other institutions at all levels, said the Assembly members.
The resolution adopted by the Assembly on the basis of the report by Elena Centemero (Italy, SOC), also recommends a global approach combining positive measures – particularly quotas – coupled with sanctions for non-compliance and accompanying measures enabling members of elected bodies to reconcile their activities with their private lives and providing for public funding to promote the representation of women in political parties.
Lastly, the adopted text advocates research and data collection on women’s participation in political life at national, regional and local level, and suggests that there should be regular assessments of the impact of national legislation and policies aimed at increasing such participation.
Adopted Resolution here
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