More than half of the extremely poor do not get the benefit
Almost every third family in Armenia is poor, while more than half of the extremely poor people are left out of the system of benefits. Meanwhile, almost 44 percent of the beneficiaries are not poor. This is evidenced by independent assessment of budget programs “Family living standards enhancement benefits” and, especially those engaged in medical care and services especially for socially vulnerable groups” carried out by the Economic Development and Research Center (EDRC) and Oxfam office.
Armenia’s budget is sufficient to fully overcome extreme poverty.
According to the the latest data of RA National Statistical Service, the total number of poor in 2014 was of about 900 thousand people (per resident population), very poor population (including extremely poor) was about 330 thousand, and the last of the extremely poor population of about 70 thousand people. Let’s recall that the poor are considered those with consumption per adult equivalent below the lower total poverty line (in 2014 it was 40 264 per month). Very poor and extreme poor are those whose monthly consumption per adult equivalent below the lower total poverty line, 33 101 AMD and food poverty line – 23 384 AMD.
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