Naira Zohrabyan: “For me there are no black and white in my country”

PAP candidate Naira Zohrabyan at the briefing with journalists during the Yerevan Council of Elderly elections expressed concern that, in her impression, the campaign turned into a revolutionary mobilization.


“When we say that we’re white, the rest are black, I think these statements should be targeted so we understand who is black. For me, there are no black and white in my country, and it’s an impression that we are not participating in the Yerevan City Council elections, but we witness the next revolutionary mobilization.


According to her, an unequal situation has emerged when she presents to Yerevan solution of problems, but in parallel, there are revolutionary calls.


“If we create a revolutionary second mobilization, if so, if we are to reverse the Yerevan City Council elections into a second revolution, then I assure you that there will not be any better candidate than me. If the competition will be on this platform, there is no problem, but I respect Yerevan as it wants to see its problems resolved. I will go to the yard meetings with the residents of Yerevan with a clear investment plan and I will offer you now to talk about these investments that will solve your problems or make revolutionary calls. If Yerevan residents say they need revolutionary calls, we should all wear clutches and make revolutionary calls to all the revolutionaries to be surprised, “said the mayor’s candidate, stressing that such propaganda cannot be.


“I understand that collecting political dividends on revolutionary euphoria is a great stumbling block, but let’s respect Yerevan residents, let’s remain loyal to the spirit and content of the Yerevan City Council election campaign, respect our voters, and present Yerevan to our project, what solutions we offer in Yerevan “she said. Full text in Armenian


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