The state will support young mothers, promoting their competitiveness in the labor market
Many young women, especially after childbirth and marriage are faced with study and work problem. Women tend to have a lot of work in the profession, but sitting at home lose their competitiveness in the labor market. And women with secondary education dream of getting higher education. Later, these women are more likely to face unemployment. At today’s session the Government approved amendments to “Employment Law”. These amendments are intended to support young mothers with similar problems.
It should be noted that at the today’s session of the Government of Armenia the draft law of the Republic of Armenia “On Making Additions and Amendments to the RA Law on Employment” was approved for the purpose of improving the socio-demographic situation in the Republic of Armenia, introduction of new employment programs aimed at emigration prevention and competitiveness of young mothers’ labor market. The draft defines the right to assist young mothers to prepare for higher vocational education as well as the right to support child care in parallel to work.
The existing international experience was highlighted in the framework of the project development. The ability to combine work and being a parent is the key to a successful demographic policy in the modern world. The experience of developed countries shows that birth rates are currently higher in those areas where the percentage of working mothers is higher, where women have higher educational levels and where the unemployment rate is lower.
Taking into account the internationally-acquired experience and the changes in age-matched birth coefficients in Armenia as well as emphasizing the importance of obtaining vocational training demanded by the labor market from young women already having children, the project proposes to provide support for young women to receive higher education at institutions in the acquisition of required knowledge. In addition, the bill provides for state support for parents who are in child care leave in case of returning to work to promote the employment and parental responsibilities.
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