Melsida picked up the gun and a few minutes later destroyed the drone”
As soon as we reach the north-eastern sector of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, we receive an invitation to have a cup of coffee. The coffee in the army is totally different, you cannot try such coffee somewhere else,” the commanders hurry to mention. We accepted the invitation of hospitality.
In a Unit small room “library headquarters” we sit side by side. Head of the financial unit, librarian and a nurse Melsida Harutyunyan rushed to prepare coffee and talked about what happened the first day of the four-day war.
Relatives of many people were in Yerevan; therefore we ordered taxis from Armenia so that drivers could take our residents to Shushi where the ordered cars were waiting for them. The bombing did not stop all night. After evacuating residents the last morning, we hurried to the barracks with my husband. There was no car. Therefore from Martakert to Mataghis we had to walk up long space until a car appeared on our way”.
It’s been a week since she has not gone to bed and she just replaced it with the seat. However she does not complain. The only request is for a small number of military shoes. “There are no shoes smaller than number 40. It is very difficult to walk and run in these shoes, “he says.
The Melsida took part in the Artsakh war in 1991. And she wanted to go and take part in battles and help the wounded. She participated in Shushi, Shosh, Lachin, Kelbajar, battles for the liberation of Martakert, Shahumyan for 1.5 years fought behind enemy lines. During the war she attained injured for 2 times, 3 times got a concussion. There is a scar on her forehead bullet. 24 fragments were removed from her body 4 of which she removed herself. Three fragments still remain in woman’s body.
A few days ago the drone was found on top of the unit, until they could start doing something, Melsida picked up the gun and a few minutes later destroyed the device.
Full text in Armenian
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