Marine Davtyan: “Be Honest, concerned and kind”
The community members’ competition in Syunik regional center will be hot during the November 5 local government elections. 37 candidates have been nominated for 15 seats in the enlarged Kapan community council, one of which is a woman. Marine Davtyan, principal of Kapan Primary School N6, has decided to enter the political field.
“Being an honest citizen, concerned and caring,” the only female candidate seeks to win voters’ sympathy with the slogan of her life.
Marine Davtyan never agrees with the opinion that she should sit at home. “True, we are Armenian and you have our mentality, but times have changed. The role of the woman, the participation of women in governance and leadership in various areas should be welcomed”.
Mrs. Davtyan has always considered herself an active citizen and emphasizes that listening to the voice of the residents and living with them is not alien to her. During the course of her career, she regularly interacts with citizens, especially parents, trying to solve the issues they are concerned with. “Just now the moment has matured, my desire is welcomed by the party, the RPA, our opinions coincide, and I have been nominated by the party”.
In her opinion, the involvement of women in the local self-governance system does not merely contradiction of the ideas of men and women, but merely a combination. According to him, the woman is more cautious, more organized and tactful in any issue. “I do not want to underestimate the role of men, but there are many questions that are in the center of women’s attention. First of all, women’s issues need to be voiced regularly and try to find a solution at the level of local self-government body”, – she says.
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