“Family support, education and diligence”. Manush’s success formula


“Everyone can achieve his/her goal, but the first pledge to achieve it is the support of the family, as well as education and diligence,” says Manush Kalantaryan.


Manush was born in the village of Choratan in Tavush Marz, studied at the village secondary school. She received her higher education at the Yerevan State Linguistic University after L. Bryusov, then at the Armenian State University of Economics and then worked at the same university, at the same time studying postgraduate studies.


She confesses that without family support, she would not have what he has today. “I grew up in a family where education is highly valued. For my parents, education was a priority, and when I remember what sacrifices they had made for my siblings and my brother’s education, I want to live in my steps so that I would be truly worthy of them. I chose the profession of translator and there were moments when I was desperate but my parents tried to help me with their advice at that time. Later, when I decided to pursue a Master’s degree in economics, my parents also supported me.


In her words, though there are still many goals, a long way to go, but she is sure that everything will gradually get out of it. Manush’s goal is to support her native village with her work.


In response to the question whether there was a discriminatory attitude to education or job placement in Armenia, she replied: “It was not that everything was smooth, and after graduation, I had a job immediately. Certainly there were difficulties, but I am not despondent in my essence; I never speak about my problems; I try to achieve success through my hard work and perseverance. A woman should believe in her own strength. In order to succeed in your profession, you must love what you do, and you should always learn, otherwise you will not succeed. ”


To note, today, besides working at the university, Manush is actively involved in the activities of the youth structure of the Tavush region, participates in exchange programs organized in different countries.



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