“It is important to do the job you really like.” Lusine Ghazaryan


Lusine Ghazaryan, 25, has been engaged in the buckwheat pillow making business in Tsovagyugh community of Gegharkunik region for about two years. She says the idea came about as a result of a long search. The reason for the search was the EU-supported buckwheat cultivation program in Tsovagyugh and surrounding communities, the ultimate goal of which was to make the buckwheat look commercial and bring it to the local market. In order to ensure the appearance of the product, the option of roasting buckwheat bran as a fuel was considered. In practice, however, problems have arisen with the targeted use of sawdust, which has led to the search for other uses.


Buckwheat bran has also been tested by villagers as a fodder ingredient, but this option has not been widely used. It was during this time that Lusine tried to find out in what  purpose  buckwheat bran can be used  in a persistent internet search.


The cost of one pillow is 6000-7000 AMD. In case of ordering, it is delivered free of charge to any corner of Armenia. According to Lusine, they have chosen the option of free delivery in order to make the service more accessible and closer to the potential customer.

In addition to bed pillows, they now also sew pillows for office and car.


They spend a lot of time making a pillow. The reason is the lack of equipment, which would allow the washing and drying processes to be done much faster.


Despite the difficulties, Lusine continues to be enthusiastic about her favorite job. The short bursts of frustration are quickly dispelled by the husband.


The young businessman admits that initially there were very few orders. According to Lusine, this was due only to the fact that she was featured on her Facebook page. Recently, they have become more active due to their participation in various exhibitions in Armenia and the proper presentation of the brand in face-to-face communication with potential customers.


Lusine is sure that in the near future they will conquer new markets abroad. The brand is currently being registered on Buy Armenian.com (the site allows Armenian manufacturers to sell online abroad as well).


She is sure that working with  inspiration, Armenian women have no alternative but to succeed. It is with this in mind that she moves forward and advises women who are still in search.


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