Lena Nazaryan: “The amount and order of compensation are  encouraging for the parent to return to work.”

Lena Nazaryan, a member of the “Yelq” faction had voiced her concern over the “Nanny at the expense of the state” program last year when the amendments to the RA Law on Employment were debated in the National Assembly. At that time she had expressed an opinion that the program can not be effective and serve the idea that wass laid in its foundation. Speaking to WomenNet.am, Mrs. Nazaryan noted that getting acquainted with the order of implementation of the recently published program, may indicate that the issues remained, so her opinion has not changed, the effectiveness of the program is very questionable.


“Unfortunately, my opinion has not changed since I think that the amount and order of the nursing compensation by the state are not encouraging for the parent to return to work. The state proposes to pay 50% of the monthly salary of the nanny, but not more than the minimum monthly salary in Armenia. Accordingly, the amount of support will be at most 55,000 drams. Now, if, according to the order, the average monthly salary of the parent  – the beneficiary of the project should not exceed the average monthly salary of the previous year, published by the RA National Statistical Service (about 140,000 AMD per tax) it turns out that the parent will not be able to return to work as  after paying a part of that amount to a nurse she will appear in an unfavorable condition”, – said our interlocutor, noting that in general, it is not expedient for a low-paid parent to hire a nanny or to use a paid pre-school facility services and the parents of that category need more mangers.


“I think that the salary limit and the condition for being registered in the employment center should be deducted,” said our interlocutor, noting that now she is working on recommendations on the order and is going to present them to the government.


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