Awaited news: Long daycare groups to operate in kindergartens since September

Good and long-awaited news: Long daycare groups will be operating in Yerevan kindergartens from September to enable working parents to no longer break their minds about how to pick their child up from kindergarten.


The decision has already been made. The Council of Elders came up with this proposal months ago, about which we wrote, and here the Department of General Education of the Municipality of Yerevan has decided to provide long-term service in kindergartens as an additional service. Speaking to Womennet, Anna Javakhyan, a member of the “My Step” faction in Yerevan Council of Elders, said that from September all kindergartens in Yerevan will be offered an extended day service, which will be paid 5,000 drams a month.


“The only prerequisite for opening the group is at least 5 parents must apply to the director  for a long day care. If the number of children is bigger, more than one group will function, but this is already a technical issue. Since the decision has already been made, this means that from now on, parents who want their child to stay in kindergarten for longer can apply to the kindergarten director and register, ”she said.


Long-day groups will operate from 17:30 to 19:00.


The main question that will be of interest to parents (and there will certainly be many applicants) relates to food, whether children will be given food for an additional 1-15 hours or not. Anna Javakhyan noted that since the preschool does not provide food for this process, parents can send with the child anything that is not spoiled.


Parents will pay 5,000 AMD for the day not to specialists who will keep the groups, but will transfer them to kindergarten accounts. But all professionals will have a pay rise.


“The preschool hours generally end at 5:30 pm, as a result of which one of the child’s parents, guardian or foster parent has to work extra hard to leave the workplace ahead of time, leading to dissatisfaction with the management,” reads justification.


It is interesting what the fate of this project will be after the decision of the municipality.

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