The rights of the child are 30 years old
Great successes, undeniable achievements, but little progress for children living in extreme poverty: UNICEF
Since the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, tremendous achievements have been made in the lives of children worldwide. However, today’s report at the crossroads of the Convention on the Rights of the Child states that many children living in extreme poverty are still being ignored.
Summarizing the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the report also reflects on the successes of the last three decades, demonstrating that children with political will and determination can truly make their lives more prosperous.
Impressive achievements have been recorded in the last three decades: more and more children are living longer and healthier today. However, the same cannot be said about children living in poverty and the most vulnerable ones ”says UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta For. “Today’s children need to confront not only the well-known challenges of health, nutrition and education, but also the challenges posed by climate change, online violence and bowling. Only through innovative approaches, new technologies, political will and additional investment can we make the vision of the Convention a reality for all children in the world.
The report on the achievements of the implementation of the rights of the child over the last three decades appears to be the following.
Infant mortality in the world has decreased by 60%. The proportion of children out of elementary school dropped from 18 percent to 8 percent.
The basic principles of the Convention – zero discrimination, the best interests of the child, the right to be born, live and develop and the right to protection – have been incorporated and / or provided the basis for numerous constitutions, laws, policies and activities around the world.
Unfortunately, these achievements have not been evenly distributed.
In low- and middle-income countries, children living in the poorest households are twice as less likely to live until they are five years old compared to the richest families.
According to recent data, only half of children living in the poorest families in South Africa are vaccinated against measles, compared to 85 percent of children in the richest families.
Of course, child marriages have declined, but in some countries today the poorest girls are more vulnerable than they were 30 years ago.
New dangers to children are:
Poverty and discrimination continue to pose a threat to millions of children worldwide. Armed conflicts, intolerance, and large-scale migration and the refugee crisis are destroying already-achieved achievements.
The emerging climate crises pose a major threat to children themselves, affecting both their mental and physical health. Rapid climate change is spreading disease, increasing the frequency of emergencies, raising food and water insecurity. If we do not act immediately, children will be the worst witness.
The report calls for improving child protection and tackling new and old dangers:
– collect more data,
– apply current and already successful solutions;
– increase investment;
– engage young people and seek solutions to complex problems with them;
– Always apply the principles of justice and gender equality.
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