Irina Ghaplanyan “The important thing for me is the realization of a dream”

Irina Ghaplanyan is one of those women who does not believe in failure and thus she repels it.  She was  brought up in such a way since childhood. Mother  always used to say that nothing is impossible for women, they just have to work more than men,and be more ambitious. Irina lives in such a momentous to date, never allowing herself to be underestimated …


Irina has observed first of all on her own experience that if a woman wants to achieve success in Armenia, she will have to work twice and be multiply well educated, as because of  certain stereotypical cultural reasons, she is not perceived as a competent professional person.


Irina’s enormous diligence and purposefulness brought her  to London, where she lived and studied, received political and international education and today she is engaged in the publication of a book on political developments in post-Soviet Armenia. But it is not the only area in which she has won. During her studies she also gained a lot of skills. Multicultural city taught her to listen to others and speak with others. It is this skill that later helped her in founding SEMINA consulting firm.


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