“The concept guarantees 30% of women’s representation in the National Assembly”
As it is known, the Commission on Reform of Electoral Legislation under the RA Prime Minister has published the Concept of Electoral Legislative Reforms. From the proposed amendments, it is proposed to switch to a purely proportional electoral system, without displaying the ratings. There is also a reference to the quota for women’s participation, about which WomenNet.am talked with Secretary of the Committee Daniel Ioannisian.
We proposed to set 30/70 gender proportions in party lists as we refuse from the rating system and go to full proportional representation, which means that there is a possibility to guarantee 30% of women’s representation in the elected National Assembly.
-Quota is necessary for women who are not inferior to men by their skills, professional qualities and other qualities, have the opportunity to be represented in the parliament. And although it can be said that they will not be the worst MPs, women politicians are not widely accepted by the public, and parties are not always ready to include women in their lists, especially in transitory places. Quota is a temporary measure, which will solve the issue for a certain period of time as the society will see and will assume that female politicians are not inferior to men. In the future, it will be possible to cancel all quotas. But today men are still more in lists than women.
-We plan to immediately send the document and not only the Venice Commission, but also the OSCE / ODIHR. I cannot say anything about the timeline, but I do not think the process will last long. But I want to assure you that if the National Assembly does not create obstacles, the elections will be held under the amended and improved Electoral Code. I do not rule out that this December.
Full text in Armenian
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