Hripsime Khurshudyan: “I will fight for Olympic Medal even at the price of life”
At European Weightlifting Championship Armenia’s team took first place. Nazik Avdalyan and Hripsime Khurshodyan, who received the title of European champions, contributed Weightlifting team’s success. They announced that they dedicate their sports victories to Armenian soldiers fighting in Artsakh.
“I returned to Armenia with a mood suiting champions. After return to the platform and the birth of my baby that was the first major victory. During 1 year I won 9 gold medals, but winning 6 gold medals within 1 month, was heroism by my side. At Olympic Games I will fight for a medal at the cost of life, I’m ready to take any kilograms”, – she said.
After returning the Homeland Nazik Avdalyan told reporters that it was difficult to return to the platform after serious spinal injury and give good results.
“I am happy and excited, but I will continue to practice the same pace. Returning to the sport 7 years later it was very difficult both psychologically and physically. I said again that I would not say goodbye to the sport without showing any tangible results. No one was interested in what injury you had. Vast majority did not believe that I can, because after such an injury it is not so easy to return to wrestling, but I found my strength and overcame difficulties, “said the champion.
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