Women from Gargar are for innovations 

Talking about the experience of activating women in Gargar community of Lori region they refer to 2005, when within the framework of one program implemented by one of the organizations 10-15 women implemented various projects in agriculture.


Armine Muradyan is one of these women. Her business plan was related to the fisheries sector. “We had the lake, but we did not have fish. We decided to breed different species of fish. And now have a lake, and fish”, – she smiles.


The basis for joint activities of women in the active group was put through the “Green Trail” NGO. Women started not only cultivating organic herbs, but also a variety of non-traditional crops, broccoli, cape gooseberry, various types of cabbage, asparagus…


Armine says that because of the lack of  greenhouse they faced a number of difficulties over the years, resulting in low profitability of the crop. It was for this reason that in 2015 the village women welcomed with enthusiasm ENPARD project implemented due to the funding from the European Union and the Austrian Development Agency.


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