Femen Organizes Topless Jihad Day To Support Activist Amina Tyler

The fate of the Femen Tunisia activist Amina Tyler has riled up and united thousands of women across the globe.Tyler’s act of civil disobedience, posting topless pictures of herself online, led to death threats.


Thursday the woman’s lawyer confirmed she is home and safe, but the 19-year-old still fears for her life.


Now the woman activist group have organized Topless Jihad Day on April 4 as an act of solidarity.


“On 4 April, we will remind the Islamists and the world that the real epidemic and disaster that must be challenged is misogyny – Islamic or otherwise.”


“This day will mark the beginning of a new, genuine Arab Spring, after which true freedom, freedom without mullahs and caliphs, will come toTunisia,” Femen said.


“Long live the topless jihad against infidels! Our tits are deadlier than your stones!”


The jihad is intended to further the group’s indictment of “misogyny — Islamic or otherwise” that Amina catapulted to international attention with a topless picture of herself, with “F–k your morals” sprawled boldly across her torso.


Tylerwas pictured smoking a cigarette with: “My body belongs to me, and is not the source of anyone’s honor”, written in Arabic script across her bare chest, was also posted.


Tunisian newspaper Kapitalis quoted the Wahabi Salafi preacher Almi Adel, who heads the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, saying: “The young lady should be punished according to sharia, with 80 to 100 lashes, but [because of] the severity of the act she has committed, she deserves be stoned to death.


“Her act could bring about an epidemic. It could be contagious and give ideas to other women. It is therefore necessary to isolate [the incident]. I wish her to be healed.”

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