“Equal” campaign present “Women’s agenda” towards the Parliamentary elections
The “OxYGen” Youth and Women’s Rights Foundation in partnership with ProMedia Gender and Family Academy NGOs within the framework of the “Equal” campaign was developed“Women’s agenda” towards the Parliamentary elections.
“Women’s Agenda” aims to draw attention of parties and alliances nominated for upcoming elections of the National Assembly on the mechanisms ensuring equality of women and men with the expectation that if elected they will raise these issues not only in Parliament but also propose solutions to address them.
We are guided by the notion that in conditions of parliamentary governance, political forces, acting as parts of the National Assembly, will be responsible for the policies implemented by the executive power.
We propose all the political forces, that share the ambitions of being represented at the state legislative body, to clarify their attitudes towards the mechanisms ensuring equal participation of women and men in country’s development. It will help those interested in these issues to make their choice in the coming elections.
The questions of the agenda are based on the RA Constitution, laws and documents, passed within the scope of State Gender Policy, data provided by National Statistical Service and recent studies and surveys conducted in the country.
- Do you support the 50/50 participatory model, formulated within the scope of UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, which requires women’s and men’s equal engagement in politics, economy and social life and equal representation at the decision-making level?
- What steps are you ready to take towards the implementation of RA Law “On Ensuring Equal Rights and Equal Opportunities for Women and Men?
- Do you support the adoption of RA Law “On Preventing Domestic Violence”?
- What steps are you ready to take to stimulate men’s and women’s de facto equality, embodied in Article 86 of RA Constitution?
- Are you ready to put into practice the principles, declared within the framework of state gender policy and to consider women’s and men’s interests and needs in the social-economic development programs?
- Are you ready to regulate the activities of the national mechanism of gender equality – the “Council on Affairs of Ensuring Equal Rights and Equal Opportunities between Men and Women” by the Prime Minister of RA, and to enhance it by including representatives of relevant NGO-s.
- What is your position towards the below-mentioned issues and ways of their solution:
- insufficient representation of women in all the branches and at all the levels of state governance;
- inefficient usage of women’s potential and discrimination of women in the labor market;
- the higher vulnerability of women and children and households, ran by women in terms of poverty;
- the higher vulnerability of rural women in terms of availability of resources and services;
- the urge of enhancing women’s economic opportunities under the perspectives of demographic recession, birthrate decrease and emigration;
- multiplication of gender stereotypes by means of education and media;
- support of availability and affordability of healthcare services and decrease in infant mortality rates.
We suggest all organizations concerned with gender issues to join the agenda.
The agenda is open for suggestions and comments until March 10th.
“Women’s Agenda” full text in English here
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