Why women’s economic activity is important for Armenia? 

Today people speak about Armenia’s economic development very often. We can also say that it is imperative of the day to develop the economy, to stand up, consolidate, strengthen and ensure prosperity for everyone …announcing the objectives we make every effort to expand entrepreneurship, to create new market opportunities and to alleviate the tax burden. Nevertheless, it seems,  we want to achieve all these, ignoring women’s participation in the process, which, as shown in the figures and analyzes, in Armenia’s economy is much lower than the potential of women.


According to the latest data of the National Statistical Service, even though the number of women labor resources is higher, economically are active 73.2% of men and only 55.2% of women and it is also in the case that women make up a larger percentage of the population (52% ), or more educated mass. Those with higher education among economically active women make up 56% and  men  –  48% of which  means that we simply ignore the potential and opportunities that can lead to women’s involvement in economic development processes.


According to Index of Economic Opportunities for Women developed by The Economist magazine  compared to 2010 Armenia has registered progress and in 2016 occupies the 38th  place. The main improvements relate to the advancement of indicators for women in higher and continuing education sector, particularly training and support programs provided by various women’s organizations in the SME, as well as the non-discrimination legislation relating to retirement age.



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