“Easy travel” – innovation of Vanadzor girls in the sphere of transportation 

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An architect Narine Tamazyan together with Lusine Markosyan and Sona Ghushchyan in  2016  studied the web development at technology center in Vanadzor. The center announced  the acceleration program, which aims to encourage the development of new information technology and engineering products. Along with her friends she represented  the «Easy Travel» project, which aims to make information the public transportation more accessible. The girls are currently trying to finish works  of easy-travel.am webssite and mobile application.


Narine Tamazyan told us the idea of creating a website and a mobile application on the public transport has appeared this summer. “Once I wanted to go from Vanadzor to another city and did not know the if there was the route to that  direction at a particular time. I realized that many people find themselves in a similar situation and are unable to find the information they need”.


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