Domestic violence in official numbers
According to the RA Investigative Committee, murders in the context of domestic violence in 2015 constitute 17% of the murders recorded in the republic. The capital of Yerevan is the leader in the number of murders in the family, while the provinces are distinguished by the number of sexual crimes in the family, which is conditioned by premature marriages, and the leader is Armavir region.
According to the RA Investigative Committee, in the first six months of 2017, 215 criminal cases on domestic violence were examined by the Committee (359 criminal cases on domestic violence were examined in the proceedings of the RA Investigative Committee in 2016).
Most of the criminal cases relate to abuse by the husband, beatings, as well as cases of murder, family abuse, child abuse by parents, and other criminal offenses.
The statistics for 2016 and the first half of the current year show that cases of violence against men by women have increased.
By the way, a few days ago the RA Ministry of Justice has published a bill “On Prevention of Domestic Violence and Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence” and related laws, recommendations on which can be submitted via e-draft system until October 9th. The law states that “domestic violence is a physical, sexual, psychological, or economic act of violence between family members or formerly family members regardless whether the person who acts of violence or those who have been abused live or lived together.”
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