The Top Ten ridiculous comments about the bill On Domestic Violence
Discussions on the draft law on “Prevention of Domestic Violence and the Protection of Domestic Violence Victims” are distinguished by the fact that opponents often cross the extremity by their arguments. The first thing that is raised in the “worries” is that “this law will undermine the basics and values of a traditional family.” The following are followed by comments: “Removing children from their families, taking them away from their parents,” “Depriving a child from bakery will be viewed as an abuse” or ” There is no demand in Armenia …”.
On October 30th, 36-year-old Argam Hovikyan, broke into a kindergarten in Armavir and attempted to expel his ex-wife working there, with a knife threat. Then this man took hostage a 3-year-old boy and only hours later the police succeeded in releasing the child from the plaintiff.
This incident took place when the draft law preventing domestic violence was thoroughly discussed at the time when oppositionists insisted there was no public demand for such a law in Armenia. Now, when domestic violence comes out of the family, and it actually becomes a threat to the society, should we again state that there is no public demand? Family violence also reached a kindergarten, and if the they did not succeed in releasing child, would the public have to accept the bill?
Perhaps the most controversial provisions of the law are the definition of psychological and economic violence. In the opinion of the opposition, these definitions will give rise to abuses and, for example, a police officer can interfere with the family affairs at any time, and in case of a strong slap or once beating, the perpetrator can be held accountable, and so on. First of all, it should be mentioned that beatings for many years in our country is a criminal offense. As regards police abuse, law advocates and attorneys assure that the law does not allow unlawful intervention by the police. Besides, in such cases, the purpose of the law is not to punish, but exclude repetition of such cases and warn the abuser what steps will follow.
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