Lena Nazaryan: “Domestic violence issue is also a matter of dignity, will and responsibility of men”

“Parallel to the law, there should be public discrimination and intolerance towards domestic violence,” said Lena Nazaryan, a deputy from the “Yelk” faction of the National Assembly. Highlighting the bill on the prevention of domestic violence and the protection of domestic violence victims, she presents the reasons for her position during an interview with WomenNet.am.


The aim of the law is to protect people first and foremost who are victims of violence, mostly women and children, and help the abuser to stop that shameful behavior in the family. The peculiarity of domestic violence is that it occurs in intimate, long-term, trustworthy and family relationships, which complicates the intervention case. Violence takes place by the person whom the victim loves and trusts. The victim of domestic violence often thinks that the aggressor is aggressive, because it is a difficult time or she is doing something wrong and is trying to help, but first she needs help. It is a very delicate matter and one should be careful to take into consideration the psychological state of the people.


It is encouraging that in the event of adoption of this law, a special unit will be established within the law enforcement bodies to be specialized in dealing with difficult families. Authorities in the field of education and health care will also have responsibilities for collecting, educating and preventing domestic violence. The law is a good opportunity to develop the social support institution, and that is the first link where people need help.


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