“My dear judge, which Armenian men would tolerate that his wife…”
Resident of the village Hayanist of Ararat region Vardan Jamalyan has been beating his wife for 11 years Narine Zohrabyan. In Npvember of 2015, his wife applied to the police after a regular beating. On March 4th, the court of first instance of Ararat and Vayoc Dzor regions presided by Tatil Poghosyan decided only to fine the husband of 50 000 AMD.
“My dear, dear judge, which men would tolerate when his wife communicates with immoral women, when he comes home and the dinner is not ready. That is why I beat her”, – Vardan justified his actions in the courtroom.
According to the experts, the problem does not get its regulation as there are no rules or formulas referring to specific cases of domestic violence.
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