The tendency to decrease the number of women in the community councils of the enlarged communities remains
As a result of the consolidation, the percentage representation of women in the councils has dropped by more than 2 times, and in some provinces – 3-6 times.
Women candidates were nominated only in 20 communities in the local elections held in the 34 enlarged communities on November 5th of this year.
- Before the enlargement of 325 communities in 34 boulevards, there were 2059 members of the Council of Elders, of which 250 or 12% were women.
- 41 of the 769 nominated candidates or 5.3%.are women.
- After the enlargement 34 bouquets have 416 council members, of which 23 or 5.5% are women.
In response to our question what steps and measures were taken to raise women’s representation in the enlarged communities, the ministry replied that explanatory and organizational work is being carried out.
“More radical changes in that direction are expected to be implemented during the transition to the formation of the Council of Elders, which is envisaged after the enlargement process,” the ministry said.
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