There is a family warmth
“Nagashyan Children’s Home helped two sisters to find an accommodation for five years. I got acquainted with them in the center. The sisters came there to express their […]
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“Nagashyan Children’s Home helped two sisters to find an accommodation for five years. I got acquainted with them in the center. The sisters came there to express their […]
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“Women’s Republican Council had a discussion on the eve of the day of Children’s Rights Protection. Full text in Armenian
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Today there are 40 laws and legal acts regulating the area of protecting children’s rights. But in many cases we have to note that we speak about a […]
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Everything began from the series of articles published in daily newspaper “Azg”. The articles were about three villages Chinari, Aygepar and Nerqin Karmiraxbyur. Full text in […]
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The last hail damaged everything and now people are worried about it very much. Full text in Armenian
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They were the first… In majority of European countries women had no election right. Full text in Armenian
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Of course I have a family and job, I am respected person and maybe many people envy me, but to tell the truth sometimes I envy those women […]
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Last Sunday on May 26 community council elections took place in 4 places – Akhurik In Shirak Region, Nor Hajn and Nurnus in Kotayq and Vardanashen in Armavir. […]
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This was said by the Head of the Fraction “Heritage” Ruben Hakobyan concerning Galust Sahakyan’s speech yesterday. Full text in Armenian
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