Is it up to women?
Recently, the media published information concerning the passage about Armenia in the book of famous Russian journalist Vladimir Pozner.In his book “Farewell to dreams” written more than 20 […]
կարդալ ամբողջը »Views: 4725
Recently, the media published information concerning the passage about Armenia in the book of famous Russian journalist Vladimir Pozner.In his book “Farewell to dreams” written more than 20 […]
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14 out of 20 cases reveled within one year by the group of quick response of NGO “Society without violence” were of physical character and 7 of them […]
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The group of quick response of NGO “Society without violence” represents another case of domestic violence with a tragic end… Full text in Armenian
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United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) called all the countries to establish the same threshold of marriage and to prohibit marriages with infants. For those who wish to get […]
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The Government of Armenia wants to stimulate birth rate among girls aged 18-20 by this way. It was included as a priority in the Government’s 2013 Action Plan […]
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Yesterday London Olimpic Games Bronze Medalist Hripsime Khurshudyan gave birth to a child. Everything is normal with mother and her son. His weight is 3 kg 200 grams, […]
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Video was produced due to joint efforts of Unison NGO and organization “Save the children” within the framework of LIFE program funded by USAID, which is aimed at […]
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Today the initiative “We pay 100 AMD’’ issued a new statement in which the following is specifically stated. Full text in Armenian
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“I am very happy about the warmth existing among Yerevan residents’’, – is said in Taron Margaryan’s speech by which he suspended the decision to make public transport […]
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Many well-known actors, journalists, politicians and public people joined “We pay 100 AMD’’ who were carrying people by their private cars within the framework of free-car action. Watch […]
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