Women’s agenda
They want to charge against Zhirinovski
The scandal held at the Russian State Duma on April 18 does not have any consequences for Liberal-Democratic Party leader V. Zhirinovski, who insulted and humiliated a journalist […]
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Women in Syria are recruited to participate in sex-jihad
They say that a woman who has had sexual relationship with 250 mojahids she will go to the heaven after her death. This was announced by the groups […]
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Where do the rights of “unwanted guests come to an end?”
It turns so that the discussion of inclusion of “gender component” in the course book of the subject “Social sciences” was a long-awaited occasion for the members of […]
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Ruzanna Torozyan: “It is very important to increase the role of women in the economic field”
In 2008 women resource centres were opened in the three cities of Syunik province – Goris, Kapan and Meghri with the support of the OSCE, it was hard […]
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Oliver McCoy: “There is light at the end of the tunnel…”
As you may know, the 57 participating States of the OSCE attach great importance to the issue of the equality between women and men, believing that this factor […]
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«In the Land of Blood and Honey» invitation from WRC
“In the Land of Blood and Honey” is Angelina Jolie’s directorial debut. The movie centers around a young Serbian man (played by Goran Kostic) and a Bosnian-Muslim woman […]
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We – women living in the villages seem to be awakened
Within the framework of the program “Women’s social-economic empowerment in Armenia” Young women’s association in Armenia and EU Delegation in RA have recently organized a press conference in […]
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Boarding school children say boys day is a “beating” day
Recently some news appeared in the media of Armenia about cruel attitude towards orphanage children. Particularly, it is about beating system which is applied in Byureghavan orphan children. […]
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